Why Us?

Because we’re consultants who do more than consult. Old China hands who are young and global-savvy. Businesspeople who go beyond business.

We walk the walk.

Unlike most other market-entry consultants, we don’t just tell our clients what to do; we actually do the work we suggest, from simple administrative duties to hiring your employees and QC supervisors. We do the research and even hold the meetings so you don’t have to. Consultants are usually paid to think without doing. We think deeply and do widely. There is no shortcut to experience.

We’re an internationalized bunch.

We’re all foreign-educated Chinese or Chinese-educated foreigners. All of us have had experience crossing cultures. So we understand China as the Chinese do, but with a Western mindset, allowing us to answer cultural questions that can’t be answered with common logic. We’ve been thrown into unfamiliar situations our whole lives. We survived. We are organizers of chaos.

We value integrity over pride.

If we don’t know something, we won’t say we do. We’ll refer you to an expert who does. And if we don’t believe you should come to China at all, or not yet, we’ll also make our recommendations clear.

We love our work.

We don’t work for stable salaries and eight-hour days. That was our parents’ generation, the generation of huge corporations. This is the generation of the young, the small, the adaptable. Work based on relationships and talent, not just seniority. We have no bulky organizational overhead. Your money goes directly into our execution of your solutions. Small is the new big. We want to innovate, to find the most efficient ways to do things. Because LITAO is not just a job; it’s a lifestyle.

So why us?

Because over the years, we have carefully cultivated that precise mixture of modern knowledge and deep cultural understanding that allows us to thrive in this country. China yearns for growth—but only if you know what you’re doing. Let us show you what we mean.



You’re a dreamer with something to sell. You think China is the perfect market for it: hungry, urban, people with money to burn. You scour your contacts, come up with a few China folks. They tell you, yes, yes, China is where possibilities come to breathe. They say they’ll introduce you to their friends. You fly eight uncomfortable hours to Beijing on hope alone. You are greeted by businessmen, potential clients or partners, dark hair and dark eyes. It is the first time you put faces to names. You are introduced to a translator, provided by the other side. You think it was a nice gesure on their part. You explain your product as succinctly as you can. She explains your product even more succinctly. All around the room the Chinese nod and smile, nod and smile.

But then it’s time for them to speak. You wait but there is hardly any waiting. They all agree: you are very nice, but your product is not for them. They say only one thing: “it’s too expensive.” Your time is up. They leave with bows and smiles, bows and smiles. Politeness, they’ve been told, is something foreigners like. Not necessarily the truth. China is not just an open door; it is a revolving one. There have been thousands like you. What will make you different?


Of course you’ve always been a dreamer. And China is, true, a land of possibilities. But before you come to this country, we’ll make sure you’re prepared. We help you find the answers to four crucial questions:

  • What do you want to achieve?
  • Who else can help you achieve that?
  • How do you convince them that your vision is of their interest?
  • Why should people trust you?

So you know who your people are. What you’re competing against. Why here and now. So you have the tools to truly sell, aka persuade. We do the market research for you in a country with scarce big data options. We connect you with our network. By the time you come to China, we’ve found the right market placement for your product: not on the tier of cheap, but on the level of quality. We’ve already pitched you to relevant distributors, manufacturers, and partners. So you’re not just meeting a bunch of strangers with disparate interests, but the people specifically working for your target market, people interested already. You fly with your laptop on your knees, putting the final touches on the bilingual Powerpoint we’ve prepared for you, and read again the main points of our extensive market analysis report.

When you meet potential partners or investors, you have not only a product and a vision, but the concrete stats to back it up. You know that foreign companies can never compete with the Chinese on pricing, but people want premium products. That’s what you sell to the room. We have come along as your interpreter. The whole meeting, we’re whispering beside your ear on the subtleties of the meeting’s meanings. When we speak for you, it is with your interests at heart—we’re not working for the other side. This time, they nod and smile but “it’s too expensive” does not enter the conversation. You are speaking on a different level now. They’ve long ago decided you were worth working with. They know our track record. The meeting was only a formality after all. You’ve been a dreamer. Now you’re beginning to build. We don’t make promises based on expectations. But we do promise clarity. So you can be sure your next step is the right one. We won’t waste your time.


(gwæn’si) a Chinese social concept based on the
exchange of favours, in which personal relationships are
considered more important than laws and written

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If you don’t know what guanxi
is, you don’t really know China.

Guanxi in Chinese means interpersonal connections but also more than that: it is that ineffable network of people we know who would open doors for us, doors that are otherwise guarded or closed. When you’re looking for a solution in China, “I know someone...” are the three sweetest words you can hear.

Our guanxi include current and former clients, business colleagues, government officials, experts and KOLs in various fields, advisers and advisees: people we have served, learned from, and made friends with. They are people and businesses we admire who are kind enough to share their greatness with us. We are so thankful for them and the amazing work they do.


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Carlos Gallegos

Head of Procurement,
Wind Power

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Jorūnė Gaučaitė


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Dmitrij Bogatko

Regional Sales Director

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Rytis Budrius

Chief Legal Officer

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Pang Zhongqi


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Lina Adomavičienė

Export Manager

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Guido Wolf

Group Development

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Simonas Petrulis


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Ovidijus Lukosius

Editor in Chief

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Vytis Silius

of Institute for Asian and Transcultural Studies

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Karolis Brazys


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Simon de Raadt


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David Perez

General Manager

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Tomas Valauskas


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Leo Chu


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Agnese Sturmane

Country Manager

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Helen Ye

Deputy Director

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Vivek Thomas

Managing Director

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Rebecca Copelovici


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Amirsan Roberto


The ecosystem of Chinese business is built on trustworthy guanxi and nothing in China gets done without it. Cultivating good China connections takes years—but by joining the LITAO network, our people will become your people.


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It is one thing to have knowledge for yourself; expertise comes when you can teach and explain to others.

Over the years, LITAO has turned its cultural and business experiences in China into various think pieces, interviews, and presentations. We have been honored to share our insights across English, Chinese, and Lithuanian media as well as academic conferences, and are happy now to share them with you.


A Lithuanian’s impressions from Shanghai: Here you can create the life you want

Kamilė Baubinaitė, "Citizen" section of delfi.lt

Lithuanian news site Delfi discovered Lina’s writing on-line in 2012 and has regularly published her insights on China and Shanghai. Written while a Master’s degree student at Fudan University, Lina brings to life the international megacity of Shanghai—a place that collects the world’s dreamers and entrepreneurs. In this particular article, Lina argues for similarities instead of differences: Lithuanians, with their particular historical and political backgrounds, resemble Chinese more than you may think. This gives Lithuanians a cultural edge over Americans and other Western nationalities when doing business in China.

October 4th, 2012

What is more important than price?

Politics Section, IQ Magazine

Chinese often choose partners based on emotions. They work with someone because of the partner’s qualities. It means that sometimes when working with Chinese good price is not as important as respectful approach and paying special attention to them..

March 30th, 2016

A Firsthand Perspective on the Chinese Stock Market

Lina Bartusevičiūtė, BalticAsia

When back in 2016 Chinese stocks market crashed, Lina was comissioned to write an article on Chinese stock market, she took a personal appraoch and interviewed a friend who is a stock broker. Having been asked what is the cause of the flactuations she explained that Chinese love gambling, but because it is forbidden in China, they turn to stock market instead. This and the fact that Chinese crave for money makes the market unstable and risky.


A Multi-lateral Country

Lina Bartusevičiūtė, Veidas

Lina claims that China has to offer more than the popular tourist saying goes: ‘Having not seen The Great wall, having not gone to The Forbidden Palace or having not eaten Peking duck means you have not really been to China’. To her opinion China is so rich in variety that each person is sure to find something here to relate to. Be it old or modern.

November 3rd, 2013

A Walk in Shanghai

Lina Bartusevičiūtė, Quovadis Travel Agency

Lina writes about a morning walk through the modern boulevards and old alleys of Shanghai, having left behind the small European bubble she created for herself. Even five years in the city is not enough to truly understand it—perhaps not even a whole life. The city is changing every day in unpredictable ways big and small. It is a city of East and West, past and future, a city where contrasts and compromises coexist. It is a city looking towards the future, where everyone is seeking a place to make their own.


Mythbusting China

Ieva Varkojytė, Laikas.lt

It is difficult to describe what is “typical Chinese.” China is changing every day, so the people living here change constantly as well. Lina personally admires the Chinese for their optimism, hard work, and curiosity and friendliness to foreigners. China has a unique economic and political system that is different from other Communist regimes, past and present. It is not a totalitarian state—the first stereotype that should be destroyed. Businessmen can belong to the Party, something which could hardly happen in any other Communist country.

October 4th, 2012

Top graduates honoured by Lithuanian government

Giedrė Petkevičiūtė, Vakarų Ekspresas

In 2006, Lina was one of eleven high schoolers recognized by the Lithuanian government for top scores in national university examinations.

July 13th, 2006

You won’t regret waking up early

Ignas Krasauskas, IQ magazine

Having lived in China for seven years and opened her own company, Lina says that China still lacks talent and needs foreigners who can understand international context. But foreigners should also come to the country with a sense of respect: Lina’s clients often tell her that the Chinese are wrong about something or simply don’t understand, but one doesn’t get anywhere with this personality. Chinese and foreigners are certainly different, but equal, and foreigners should give up their superiority complex.

July 13th, 2006

Letter from the Orient

Greta Tikužytė, Citadelė - Vilnius University student magazine

The concept of the exotic Orient was created by Westerners. It does seem exotic if you travel in China as a tourist, but if you really talk to people, it’s hard to categorize between West and East. Lina herself finds 21st century Shanghai different, but not exotic.

October 4th, 2012


Women’s Rights & Confucianism

Lina Bartusevičiūtė, interview for Global Times

While doing research on feminism in China, Lina learned that while awareness on women’s rights remains low, Confucianism provides an interesting cultural context. In Confucianism, men and women are seen as intrinsically different, so there is no need to overprescribe to certain gender roles when the difference is apparent no matter what one does. There is also no need to fight for equality since one cannot compare two different things. In China, there are often contradictions in roles: a woman may serve as head of the household in private, but still need to obey her husband in public. Of course feminism, as anything else in China, is changing.


Lithuanian Expat in Shanghai

Zhang Ru, CRI English podcast

Lina was interviewed by the journalist of Expat Tales. She tells her story of how she ended up in Shanghai and shares her experiences of working at the Shanghai World Expo Pavillion, where she was hired as an interpreter between Chinese, English, Lithuanian, and Russian.

March 30th, 2016


The influence of Chinese media on public diplomacy and other state affairs

Lina Bartusevičiūtė, China Newspaper Industry Journal

As China looms ever larger on the world stage, the country’s public diplomacy has developed rapidly as a means of international political representation and communication. As such, media with its wide reach and viral capabilities can greatly influence the image of the country across the globe. This academic paper explores how Chinese media is lacking in measures of public diplomacy, and ways to counteract that in order to promote mainstream understanding of China in other countries.

March, 2016

Opinion: China needs more diversified education

Lina Bartusevičiūtė, Huanqiu online news portal

As a student of one of China’s best universities, Fudan, Lina speaks about what she expects for education in the next sessions of China’s highest political bodies, the National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. She hopes for more measures towards education diversification in the country.

March 4th, 2013


Conference at Vilnius University: Orientalism,
Colonial Thinking, and the Former Soviet Periphery

Vilnius University

The conference explored postcolonialism and the role of former Soviet countries. Lina was invited to provide insight on how these ex-Soviet countries are seen from the Chinese point of view; she also spoke on the difficulties of rebranding Lithuania as an independent political entity in China.

August 27-29th, 2015

2016 IQ Magazine Conference: Power of the West

Politics Section, IQ Magazine

When back in 2016 Chinese stocks market crashed, Lina was comissioned to write an article on Chinese stock market, she took a personal appraoch and interviewed a friend who is a stock broker. Having been asked what is the cause of the flactuations she explained that Chinese love gambling, but because it is forbidden in China, they turn to stock market instead. This and the fact that Chinese crave for money makes the market unstable and risky.

May 19th, 2015


Conference: Travellers with a mission 2016

Lina Čiapaitė interview, Vakarų Ekspresas

Lina C presented at a conference and awards ceremony dedicated to “travellers with a mission.” Through words and visuals, she compared the ways Chinese and Lithuanians act in daily life and business, surprising the audience by noting more similarities than differences between the two nationalities.

December 5th, 2016

National Lithuanian TV

Lina Čiapaitė interview, Good Morning, Lithuania

Lina C was invited to speak on Lithuanian national television about non-touristy destinations in China. She talked about her trip to Garze in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and spoke out against the stereotype that the Chinese are not interested in other cultures or languages. Throughout her work and travels, the Chinese have always been courteous and accommodating, stopping not only for small talk but doing their best to help a foreigner in trouble—even if the foreigner doesn’t speak Chinese.

January 20th, 2017


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